North Sound: Vital Conditions for Well Being Learning Series
This collection of resources is designed to support the North Sound Vital Conditions for Well-Being 2020 & 2021 Learning Series. Check back often for updated resources relevant to the learning series events.
Humane Housing as a Vital Condition for Well-Being
The third learning series event, held on March 31st, is focused on humane housing. Humane Housing is about stable, safe places to live, and living in diverse, vibrant communities that lead to full, productive lives. People are able to thrive with access to secure, consistent places to live, homes and neighborhoods that are safe from hazards, and neighborhoods that provide access to food and other basic needs, opportunity, and resources that promote healthy living.
We Are Here: Housing Insecurity in Cincinnati: The Collection
Brought to you by Community Commons
Freedom from Trauma, Violence, and Addiction as a Vital Condition for Well Being
The second learning series event, held on November 18th, is focused on freedom from trauma, violence, and addiction. The impacts of trauma, violence, and addiction on human life are far-reaching. Adverse childhood experiences and toxic environments can harm health and well-being across a lifespan and generations. Unfortunately, quality mental health and addiction care has long been difficult to access, hard to afford, and too uncoordinated, and underfunded to provide real healing.To address our mental, emotional, and social health needs as whole persons, and particularly the loss, trauma, and substance misuse occurring in the wake of COVID-19, we must move toward ensuring everyone has access to integrated, comprehensive, multi-sector, community-based care, solidly anchored in the promotion of mental health and emotional resilience.
Basic Needs: Freedom from Trauma, Violence, and Addiction
Resource - Report
Brought to you by Well Being Trust
didgwálič Wellness Center Treatment Model Fact Sheet
Resource - Fact Sheet
Brought to you by Swinomish Indian Tribal Community
Food as a Vital Condition for Well Being
The first learning series event, held on October 21st, is focused on food, a basic need for health and safety. Learn more about the Vital Condition of Basic Needs for Health and Safety and how to ensure a safe and equitable food system for your community.Gather: Screening Toolkit - A Guide to Help Plan Your Film Event in Your Community
Tool - Toolkit/toolbox
Brought to you by First Nations Development Insitute
The Crisis and the Opportunity: Our Food System in 2020
Resource - Report
Brought to you by Community Initiatives
Published on 07/01/2020
How COVID-19 Affects Farmers and the Food Supply Chain
Story - Written
Brought to you by Tufts University
The learning series is supported by the Thriving Together: A Springboard for Equitable Recovery and Resilience. Learn more about the Springboard below.
Thriving Together: A Springboard for Equitable Recovery and Resilience in Communities Across America
Resource - Report
Brought to you by Well Being Trust
Thriving Together: A Springboard for Equitable Recovery and Resilience in Communities Across America
Brought to you by Community Commons
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