Community Indicator Library

The Community Indicator Library is a living library of data indicators, or metrics, that changemakers use to measure health, well-being, and equity in their communities.

The Community Indicator Library aims to help users find indicators relevant to their community change work, identify datasets and sources for those indicators, and explore related topics on Community Commons. It contains many indicators commonly used in community health practice from sources that make data available nationwide at the county- or Census-tract level, such as the American Community Survey, PLACES, Food Access Research Atlas, and others. The selection of indicators available here will grow over time. Check back for updates.

Indicators are categorized into the following thematic areas. Use these categories as filter terms to search and explore indicators in this library.

  • Demographic
  • Well-Being Outcomes
  • Health Behaviors
  • Clinical Care and Urgent Services
  • Social and Economic Factors
  • Physical Environment

Indicators have also been categorized by unit of analysis, methodological approach, measure type, and topic areas. This information is visualized by the indicator graphic.


The Community Indicator Library is brought to you by the Institute for People, Place, and Possibility–the hearts and minds behind Community Commons. It originated with IP3 ASSESS, IP3's web-based data solution designed and built for changemakers using data to advance equitable well-being in communities around the Nation. Learn how to access data for your community with IP3 ASSESS.

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A blue graphic with bold, white letters that read
Our Favorite Data Sources
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Published on 04/08/2024
White text reads
Our Favorite Data Sources Part II
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